
■DreamRegime2024LinkIcon@Hachioji Dock, Tokyo (11.2ー3)
■project of "Theatre of the Suburbs"LinkIcon@Hachioji Dock, Tokyo (3.22ー24, 29−31)
■Possession- Sanaizaka studio closing performanceLinkIcon@Sanaizaka Studio, Tokyo (11.5ー7, 12ー14)LinkIconscreening〈prologue〉
project of "Live-human body's languages" vol.2LinkIcon「L'Ecole des cadavres/1938/Louis-Ferdinand Céline」@Sanaizaka Studio, Tokyo (3.19ー21, 26ー28)LinkIconscreening〈digest〉
project of "Live-human body's languages"LinkIconpart1/「L'animal que donc je suis /2006/Jacques Derrida」@Sanaizaka Studio, Tokyo (9.20ー22, 27ー29)LinkIconscreening〈prologue〉LinkIconscreening 〈scene2〉part2/「The Theory of the Privileged Body/1968/Kara Juro」@Sanaizaka Studio, Tokyo (12.13ー15, 20ー22)LinkIconscreening〈digest (second half)〉
project of "Live-human body's languages" vol.0LinkIcon@Sanaizaka Studio, Tokyo (4.5ー8) 
Posthuman Theatre 4LinkIcon@Sanaizaka Studio, Tokyo (11.2ー4)LinkIconscreening
Live-human language/Bagatelle pour un MassacreLinkIcon@Sanaizaka Studio, Tokyo (3.22ー 24・29ー 31)LinkIconscreening〈edit〉
Theatre of Testimony 2017LinkIconJapan-Poland International Collaboration Project, with Amareya Theatre & Guests@Sanaizaka Studio, Tokyo (12.8・9) 
The century of Céline- Anarchist in the House of the Devil - (Peter Laugesen)LinkIconJapan-Denmark International Collaboration Project@Sanaizaka Studio, Tokyo (3.23ー 26・28ー 31) 
Trilogy of " the century of Céline"LinkIconpart3- The night to the end of night@Sanaizaka Studio, Tokyo (3.24ー3.29)
■Trilogy of " the century of Céline"part2- Bagatell for a massacre@Sanaizaka Studio, Tokyo (1.28ー2.2)LinkIconscreening〈prologue〉LinkIconscreening〈scene4〉
■Trilogy of " the century of Céline"part1- Bébert chronicle@Sanaizaka Studio, Tokyo (12.10ー12.15)
■Macbeth/Pharmakos@Shakespeare Hall, Meisei University, Tokyo (10.18)
INFANT 2LinkIcon@Sanaizaka Studio, Tokyo (8.22ー9.7)
Posthuman Theatre 2014LinkIconJapan-Poland International Collaboration Project with Teatr Cinema (Poland) @Morishita Studio,Tokyo(1.11ー13)LinkIconscreening
INFANTLinkIconOpening Performance, Sanaizaka Studio @Sanaizaka Studio,Tokyo(9.13ー9.29)
Posthuman Theatre in EuropeLinkIconJapan-Poland International Collaboration Project with Teatr Cinema (Poland), Europe Tour(10.16ー11.5)
■Jouissance SystemClosing Performance, CANVAS @FreeSpace CANVAS, Tokyo(2.11ー3.31)
Posthuman TheatreLinkIconJapan-Poland International Collaboration Project with Teatr Cinema (Poland) @Morishita Studio,Tokyo(11.11ー13)LinkIconscreening
Dream RegimeLinkIconInternational Collaboration Project 〈Wales, UK・Germany・Poland・Korea・Japan〉  Part1/ Faith-ful bodies Part2/ Era of the sick  @Morishita Studio, Tokyo (2.8ー11)LinkIconscreening
■Trilogy Finality Living Part1/ Why did you doubt ? (7.1ー3)・Part2/ Eternal return and… (8.5ー7)・Part3/ That's why there is no nude or no alpinist in animals. (9.18ー20) @FreeSpace CANVAS, Tokyo
■Solo Performance/ Kumamoto Kenjiro@FreeSpace CANVAS, Tokyo(4.8ー10)
■Trilogy My StagePart1/ I Don't Look It but Believe It. (10.1ー3)・Part2/ I am Anonymous and Communal Person. (11.5ー7)・Part3/ Still I Don't Kill Myself. (12.24ー26) @FreeSpace CANVAS, Tokyo
■Trilogy InorganicPart1/ Jintai[Zoe]-ist (12.25ー27.2008)・Part2/ Beyond the 'Organic' (1.29ー31)・Part3/ You Should Imprison Me If You Want to (3.5−7) @FreeSpace CANVAS, Tokyo
Dream Regime Project 2008LinkIconPoland Tour with Amareya Theatre, Monar (9.1ー9.17)Chapter Arts Centre, Cardiff, Wales, UK(9.19ー10.1)
Bye-Bye; ReflectionLinkIcon@OWL Spot, Tokyo (3.6ー3.9)
■Europe Tour 2007Bye-Bye; Reflection @Riverside Studios, London (11.27ー12.2)Dream Regime, Gdańsk with Amareya Theatre, Monar (Poland) @Klub Żak, Gdańsk, Poland (12.4ー12.21)
Dream Regime Project 2007LinkIconReflection; rensa-kei TrilogyPart1/ Shaman (1.25ー27)・Part2/ Bodies of Taxidermy (2.15ー17)・Part3/ At a Fortress (3.8ー10) @FreeSpace CANVAS, TokyoLinkIconscreening
■The Last Days of SpringSolo Performance / James Tyson @FreeSpace CANVAS, Tokyo (12.16)
Europe Tour 2006LinkIconBye-Bye; Reflection@Divadlo Archa, Prague, Czech (9.29ー30)@Klub Żak, Gdańsk, Poland (10.5−6)
Brazil TourLinkIconBye-Bye; Phantom @Teatro SESC Anchieta, Sao Paulo (3.4ー5), Grande Teatro do Palacio das Artes, Belo Horizonte (3.11ー12),Teatro Gregorio de Mattos, Salvador (3.17ー18), Theatro Jose de Alencar, Fortaleza (3.25ー26)
Dream Regime, Tokyo 2005LinkIcon@Japan Foundation Forum, Tokyo (12.2ー12.4)
■The Virus of Immotality 2@Dance Hakushu 2005 (8.18)
■East TimorーJordan TourDream Regime; workshop 2005 (3.30ー4.14)
■Trilogy The Control-systemPart1/ Sacrifice -- Preparation for Hospitality (2.24ー26)Part2/ Private Jintai[Zoe] (3.17ー19)LinkIconscreeningPart3/ The Virus of Immotality (3.24ー26)@FreeSpace CANVAS, Tokyo
■Korea Tour 2004Bye-Bye; Phantom @Keocchang International Festival of Theatre, Keocchang, Korea (8.12ー15)
■Europe Tour 2004Workshop: Actualizing the political body/ Politicizing the actual Body @LAOKOON Festival 2004, Kampnagel, Hamburg, Germany (8.20ー22)Dream Regime #2LinkIcon@Pro-Existence Festival, Schloss Bröllin, Germany (8.24ー9.13)LinkIconscreeningBye-Bye; Phantom @Festival Bertin Poiree, Paris,France (9.23ー25), @Days of Japanese Culture, Klub Żak, Gdańsk, Poland (9.29ー30)
■VIVISECTION VisionSolo Performance / Adam Bronowski @FreeSpace CANVAS, Tokyo (7.16ー18)
Dream RegimeLinkIconInternational Collaboration Project @Theatrum Europa 04, Chapter Arts Centre, Cardiff, Wales, UK (1.5─25)LinkIconscreening〈scene2〉
■Taiwan TourDe-Control @Kaohsiung County International Arts Festival 2003, Kaohsiung, Taiwan (12.6)
Bye-Bye; PhantomLinkIcon@Morishita Studio, Tokyo (11.14ー16, 21ー23)LinkIconscreening
■Arhus TourBye-Bye; Phantom @Festuge 2003, Kasernescenen, Arhus, Denmark (9.4ー6)
The Drifting View X; Bodies of WarLinkIconAustralia-Japan Intercultural Collaboration Project @the Australian Embassy, Tokyo (3.27ー29)LinkIconscreening
■Death is Living 2 @FreeSpace CANVAS, Tokyo (1.31ー2.1)
■Death is Living 2@Physical Theater Festival 4 Store House, Tokyo (11.22, 24)
Singapore TourLinkIconBye-Bye; The New Primitive @Asian Contemporary Theatre Festival, Esplanade Theatres on the Bay, Singapore (10.13ー15)
■Duisburg TourBye-Bye; The New Primitive @26.Duisburger Akzente, Theater am Marientor, Duisburg, Germany (6.8ー9)
■Australia TourJourney to Con-Fusion #3 with NYID Japan-Australia Intercultural Collaboration Project with NYID (Australia)@Nextwave Festival, Dancehouse, Melbourne, Australia (5.18ー22)Bye-Bye; The New Primitive @THEATRE62, Adelaide, Australia (5.25ー26)Workshop: To actualize the new political body @Performance Space, Sydney, Australia (5.29ー6.2)
■ToyamaーKanazawa TourDe-Control @ORBIS, Toyama (3.8ー9)Bye-Bye; The New Primitive @Kanazawa Theatre Festival 2001, Kanazawa Citizen's Art Center (3.12)Theatre of Body: workshop @Kanazawa Citizen's Art Center (3.13ー14)
EuropeーAmerica TourLinkIconBye-Bye; The New Primitive@LAOKOON Festival 2001, Kampnagel, Hamburg, Germany (9.1ー3)@Tanzhaus nrw, Dusseldorf, Germany (9.14ー15)@Mousonturm, Frankfurt, Germany (9.19ー23)@Japan Society, New York, USA (10.4ー6)@Memorial Hall Barry, Cardiff, Wales, UK (10.10ー11)@The Green Room, Manchester, England, UK (10.18ー19)@Gardner Arts Centre, Brighton, England, UK (10.22ー23)@Aberystwyth Arts Centre, Aberystwyth, Wales, UK (10.27)@ICA, London, England, UK (10.31ー11.3)@St.Donats Arts Centre, Llantwit Major, Wales, UK (11.5-11)/ Workshop+Collaboration-Showing with students of Atlantic CollegeLinkIconscreening〈digest〉
Bye-Bye; The New PrimitiveLinkIcon@Morishita Studio,Tokyo (6.15ー17, 21ー24)LinkIconscreening
■Bye-Bye; The New Primitive/ work in progress-showing@FreeSpace CANVAS, Tokyo (3.31, 4.28, 5.26)
■Berlin Tour 2000The Death Walk @Festival of Vision 2000, Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin, Germany (8.12,18)LinkIconscreeningExile on the Earth (8.13)
■Journey to Con-Fusion #2Japan-Australia Intercultural Collaboration Project with NYID (Australia) @Morishita Studio,Tokyo (7.1ー9)
De-ControlLinkIcon#5/ many many (4.7ー9, 14ー16)・#6/ Prisoner of Freedom (5.12ー14, 19ー21)・#7/ S.M.3F.2 (6.16ー18, 23ー25) @FreeSpace CANVAS, Tokyo
■Hong Kong Tour The Death Walk @Journey 2000 Festival, One Table Two Chairs, Shouson Theatre, Hong Kong Arts Centre (4.28ー30)Exile on the Earth @Journey 2000 Festival, Video Circle Performances, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (5.1)
■Melbourne TourBye-Bye: Into the Century of Degeneration @Dancehouse, Melbourne, Australia (12.7)Journey to Con-Fusion #1Intercultural Collaboration Project with NYID (Australia) @the Open Stage, Melbourne, Australia (12.8ー13)De-Control @Courthouse, Melbourne, Australia (12.14)
■De-Control #4 / Iconoclastic Arena@FreeSpace CANVAS, Tokyo (10.22ー24, 10.29ー31)LinkIconscreening〈scene2〉
■De-Control #3/ Unexpected Living Thing @FreeSpace CANVAS, Tokyo (9.17ー19, 24ー26)
Bye-Bye; Into the Century of DegenerationLinkIcon@Setagaya Public Theatre, Tokyo (4.9ー11)LinkIconscreening〈scene3〉
■De-Control #2/ NeuroSystem@FreeSpace CANVAS, Tokyo (2.19ー21, 25ー27)LinkIconscreening〈scene2〉
■De-Control #1/ Cluster/Act in the Cell@Opening Performance, FreeSpace CANVAS, Tokyo (1.22ー24, 28ー30)LinkIconscreening
■ZERO Category #2/ The Season of New Abjection@Art Sphere, Tokyo (8.1-3)
ZERO CategoryLinkIcon;Don't give anything to be the target.@Tokyo International Performing Arts Festival' 97 (10.20ー26)LinkIconscreening
■Korea TourThe Proscenium TOKYO GHETTO @Theatre of Nations '97 Munye Theater, Seoul, Korea (9.9ー12)
Europe TourLinkIconTOKYO GHETTO;Secret Ceremony @CCA, Glasgow, Scotland, UK (6.7ー8)Class in Twilight, Chapter Arts Centre, Cardiff, Wales, UK (6.13ー15)Orgie #2 @Arnolfini, Bristol, England, UK (6.20ー21)S.M.3F / Tokyo Discipline @Eurokaz Festival '97 Kerempuh Theatre, Zagreb, Croatia (6.24ー25)TOKYO GHETTO/Orgie #3 @Zadar Snova '97, Zadar, Croatia (6.27)TOKYO GHETTO/ Orgie #4 @Balance Festival '97 Stadt-halle, Marburg, Germany (7.1)
TOKYO GHETTO/ HARD CORELinkIcon@Japan Foundation Forum, Tokyo (12.19ー23)
Croatia TourLinkIconTOKYO GHETTO/ Lullaby @Kino Ivancica, ZlatarBistrica, Croatia (6.26)LinkIconTOKYO GHETTO/ Orgie@Eurokaz Festival '96 Kerempuh Theatre, Zagreb, Croatia (6.29ー30)TOKYO GHETTO/ L'e puise @PulskyFestival '96 INK, Pula, Croatia (7.3)
TOKYO GHETTO/ Dying AnarchyLinkIcon@Hongo DOK, Tokyo (3.1ー3, 8ー10, 15ー17, 23ー24, 29ー31) 
The DOG; OrgieLinkIcon@Shitamachi Theatre Festival '95, Asakusa France-za, Asakusa.Tokyo (9.21ー24)
The ProsceniumーTOKYO GHETTOLinkIcon@Tokyo International Festival of Performing Arts '97, Tokyo Metropolitan Art Space (9.13ー14)
The Drifting View; They have no nameLinkIcon@Toga International Arts Festival '95 (5.13)
TOKYO GHETTO -Voidness has gone, and the era of absurdity is coming-LinkIcon@Hongo DOK, Tokyo (2.25ー26, 3.3ー5, 10ー12)
Trilogy THE DOGLinkIconPart1/ People in a foreign land (5.13ー15, 20ー22), Part2 / A Little Story (6.3ー5, 10ー12, 17ー19), Part3/ Saint Orgie (7.1ー3, 10ー15, 15ー17), @Hongo DOK, Tokyo
Atlanta TourLinkIconThe Drifting View; The Last Walk @Atlanta Arts Festival '93, Piedmont Park, Atlanta, USA (9.13ー14)
THE DOG: People in a foreign land, @Park Elevator, Charlotte, USA (9.19ー20)LinkIcon
THE DOG: People in a foreign landLinkIcon@Opening Performance, Hongo DOK, Tokyo (7.24-ー25, 8.1, 6ー8)
preDOG @kenzo-sha(11.29)LinkIconLinkIconscreening
The Drifting View; Shining HeightsLinkIconKawaguchi World Festival Fusion '91 @JR Kawaguchi Station Square (8.3ー4)LinkIconscreening
■JEANNE; Repermanent Residents@Kenzosha, Kawasaki (1.25ー27, 2.1ー3)
The Drifting View; misty color variation of OdysseiaLinkIcon@Toga International Arts Festival '89(8.6)
Bo-Home; Home WanderingLinkIcon@Around Atelier "Kenzo-sha" (1.8・15・22・29)LinkIconscreening
■The Drifting View; White Night@Hinoemata Performance Festival '87 Along the Detobata River, Hinoemata, Fukushima (9.5)
■TIS A NIGHT LIKE THE THEATRICAL-P TIME@Baus Theatre and Street, Kichijoji, Tokyo (7.10ー12)
DEAR, SPECTRUMLinkIcon@Alternative Art Space - Around the Ofuna monorail station (12.20ー21, 27ー28/1986・1.10ー11, 17ー18/1987)LinkIconscreening〈digestーepilogue〉
■The Drifting View 2@Hinoemata Performance Festival '86 Around a mountain road, Hinoemata, Fukushima (8.24)
■Mitsurin-tan@Yokohama National University dormitories, Open AirーIndoor (1.18ー19, 2.1ー2)
The Drifting ViewLinkIcon@Hinoemata Performance Festival '85 Around the Detobata River, Hinoemata, Fukushima (8.25)
